Juiz Internacional de Tiro Esportivo, completando agora em janeiro, 40 anos de atividade.

terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013

THE PRELIMINARY COMPETITION SCHEDULE to the World Championship im Granada starting on 6 of September

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The Preliminary Competition Schedule of the 2014 ISSF World Championship 
all events in Granada (ESP) is now available.
The Preliminary Competition Schedule of the 2014 ISSF World Championship 
all events in Granada (ESP) is now available.

The competition will run from the 6 through the 20 of September 2014. All the 
World Championship events will take place at the CEAR Shooting Range 
but the 10m Running Target events, that will be held at a separate venue in 
the city of Las Gabias.

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Sorce -  ISSF Website - Top News

sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013

A young student Slovakia just won the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Medal Design Competition



23-year-old Matej Čička's concept ("Track of Winners") will feature on the medals to be awarded in Nanjing, China in August 2014, at the second edition of the Summer Youth Olympic Games.
A young student and sports fan from Slovakia just won the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Medal Design Competition, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced today.
An IOC jury chose Matej Čička's concept ("Track of Winners") from a pool of over 300 entries from 50 plus countries, describing it as "modern, fresh and dynamic".
"It was our school task to join this competition and design a medal," the 23-year-old of Slovakia said. "I was inspired by the athletes’ track which, to me, means the base of the Youth Olympic Games".
Thomas Heatherwick (the English designer behind the Olympic cauldron at London 2012) was in the judging panel, which also included Youth Olympic Games Ambassador Yelena Isinbaeva and other sports personalities.
Second and third place were respectively taken by 29-year-old of Spain Hugo Fernández ("A Hug From Lele!" was the name of his design) and Csaba Szitas, 28, from Slovakia ("Stripes of Victory").
The competition had started in September, giving creative people worldwide the chance to design the Youth Olympic Games medals, to be awarded in Nanjing, China from 16 to 28 August 2014, when the event (featuring a a 6-event Shooting program) will take place.
Matej Čička's first prize also includes a trip to the Games, tickets to the Opening Ceremony and a full collection of the medals featuring their design.
An accurate analysis of the winning concepts, as well as a gallery of the other designs who took part in the contest, can be found at the official website of the competition.

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Source-  ISSF Website  - Top news  -  http://www.issf-sports.org/news.ashx?newsid=1987

sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013

RIFLE RULES -Rule changes in the Second Edition of the Rule Book - Part III

I now present the changes that were introduced in rifle events rules
As in previous presentations, the changes can be easily identified because they are written in green letters.

In the rules for General Standard for Clothing Rifle (rule 7.5.1), due to the various changes introduced and the elimination of other rules which caused a major change in the numbering of the sub-items, to make it more understandable, I decided to put in these presentation the whole rule. The rules of the first edition that were deleted are:,, and

The positions of the Rifle 3x40 event, only the rule numbers have changed, due to the correction made in the second edition to the new shooting sequence, therefore only the rule numbers are green

Thom Erik Syrdahl

7.4                   RIFLES AND AMMUNITION
7.4.1                Standards for All Rifles (new)                Single Loader Rifles. Only single shot rifles that must be manually loaded before each shot may be used, except that in the 300m Standard Rifle Event a rifle that is legal for use in International Military Sport Council (CISM) 300m rifle events may be used if it is checked by Equipment Control before the event. (new)    Pistol Grips
No part of the pistol grip may be extended or constructed in any way that would allow it to touch or support the back of the hand.

7.5                   CLOTHING REGULATIONS
See the General Technical Rules for general standards regarding clothing and the testing of clothing (Rule 6.7).

7.5.1                General Standards for Rifle Clothing             All shooting jackets, shooting trousers and shooting gloves must be made of flexible material that does not materially change its physical characteristics, that is, become stiffer, thicker or harder, under commonly accepted shooting conditions. All lining, padding and reinforcements must meet the same specifications. Any lining or padding must not be quilted, cross-stitched, glued or otherwise affixed to the outer clothing layer other than at normal tailoring points. All lining or padding must be measured as a part of the clothing.
                           Only one (1) shooting jacket and only one (1) pair of shooting trousers may be used by each athlete in all Rifle events in any ISSF Championship. All rifle shooting jackets and shooting trousers must have a seal with a unique serial number issued by ISSF Equipment Control and registered in an ISSF database. Athletes with jackets or trousers that do not have a seal must bring them to Equipment Control to have a seal attached and registered in the ISSF database. Only one jacket and one trouser may be registered to each athlete. Athletes with more than one jacket or trousers with ISSF seals must inform the ISSF Equipment Control which item will be used in future competitions and only one seal per item will remain. Athletes that change jackets or trousers or any with no seal (new or changed) must bring them to Equipment Control to obtain a seal and retire the previous seal ( When an athlete is selected for post-competition testing, the test must confirm that the seal number registered to that athlete was the seal number on the clothing used by that athlete.             Ordinary athletic type training trousers or normal athletic type training shoes may be worn in any event or position. If shorts are           worn during competitions, the bottom of the leg must be no more than 15 cm above the center of the kneecap. Sandals of any type may not be worn.
                           Athletes are responsible for ensuring that all items of clothing used by them comply with these Rules. The Equipment Control Section must be open to make voluntary inspections of athletes’ clothing from the Official Training day until the last day of Rifle competition and athletes are encouraged to bring their rifle clothing items for an Equipment Control check before the competitions to be sure they comply with these Rules. In preparing jackets and trousers for competitions, athletes must make allowances for any measurement variations that may occur because of changes in temperature, humidity or other environment conditions.             Post-competition checks will be made of all Rifle clothing items after Elimination and Qualification Round competitions to ensure compliance (6.7.6).             The height of the shoe from the floor to the highest point (Dimension C, Shooting Shoe Measurements Table) must not exceed two thirds (2/3) of the length.             Shooting Shoe Measurements Table

7.6.1               Shooting Positions            Kneeling             Prone             Standing

7.9                   RIFLE EVENT TABLE

Pit Operated or Target Carriers
(when paper targets are used)
1 hour, 30 minutes
60 minutes

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Source - ISSF Rule Books - First and Second Edition

quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013


Apesar de já ter publicado o artigo em Inglês, achei por bem traduzir o texto publicado pela ISSF (Top News) pela sua importância e ser de grande interesse de todos os jovens aficionados do esporte do tiro esportivo. A ISSF cada vez mais cria novas oportunidades para o desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento do esporte do tiro no mundo inteiro.
Thom Erik Syrdahl

A Federação Internacional de Tiro Esportivo anuncia a inauguração da Copa Junior ISSF, uma nova série Campeonatos com competições para atletas juniores nos eventos Olímpicos e Jogos Olímpicos da Juventude.

O Comitê Executivo da ISSF aprovou recentemente a criação de uma nova série de Campeonatos, a Copa Junior ISSF. O anúncio oficial da nova série e a seleção da primeira federação nacional da ISSF para sediar uma Copa do Júnior foi anunciado hoje pelo Presidente da ISSF, Sr. Olegário Vázquez Raña e o Secretário Geral Sr. Franz Schreiber.

“As Copas Júnior ISSF são parte vital de uma nova iniciativa maior da ISSF para promover mais ativamente o tiro júnior em nível mundial”, disse o presidente Vázquez Raña. "Incentivar mais jovens em mais países para participarem de nosso esporte, dando-lhes mais oportunidades de competirem em campeonatos internacionais de alto padrão, essa é a chave para o nosso futuro."

Secretário Geral Schreiber relatou, "em última análise, a ISSF espera sancionar e supervisionar as Copas Júnior em cada continente todos os anos. Os programas das Copas Júnior incluirão os 15 eventos olímpicos, mais os eventos de equipes mistas dos Jogos Olímpicos da Juventude. Programas também podem incluir eventos por equipes, outros eventos reconhecidos pela ISSF – ou os Esportes para Todos reconhecidos pela ISSF, como a Target Sprint (corrida e Tiro) ou Pistola de Ar 5 tiros. Competições Copa Júnior serão competições MQS se forem realizadas no cronograma de qualificação dos Jogos Olímpicos da Juventude ou Jogos Olímpicos. Eles estão abertos a todos os competidores juniores com até 20 anos de idade ou menos durante o ano de competição.”

"Temos o prazer de anunciar que a primeira Copa Junior ISSF será organizada em Suhl, Alemanha, de 26 maio a 1 junho de 2014, “continuou o Secretário-Geral”. “A Competição Internacional de Tiro Junior realizada anualmente em Suhl, Alemanha (IWK) já é uma competição júnior bem estabelecida que tenha sido realizado por muitos anos; em 2013 esta competição recebeu 550 atletas juniores de 40 países. O Centro de Tiro Suhl é um grande palco com muitos espectadores e suporte de mídia e terá seu alvos eletrônicos renovados em 2014. A ISSF espera poder cooperar com a Federação Tiro Alemã para lançar a nova série Copas Junior ISSF em Suhl”.

O ISSF planeja expandir a série de Copas Júnior selecionando organizadores adicionais para 2015. As Federações Filiadas a ISSF interessadas ​​em sediar Copas Júnior em 2015 ou nos anos seguintes devem enviar suas candidaturas à sede da ISSF. A ISSF está buscando organizadores com locais que tenham pelo menos 60 postos de tiro de 10m e 50m e 40 postos 25m para Carabina e Pistola, com alvos eletrônicos. Copa Junior de Tiro ao Prato devem ter pelo menos 3 três penadas. "A ISSF quer que as Copas Junior cumpram com os padrões semelhantes aos estabelecidos para as Copas Mundiais para garantir as melhores competições possíveis para os atletas juniores”, acrescentou o presidente Vázquez.

O ISSF nomeará um Delegado Técnico para cada Copa Junior. O vice-presidente Gary Anderson será o Delegado Técnico para a primeira Copa Junior em Suhl. Ele comentou: "Copas Júnior são realmente muito importantes para o futuro do nosso esporte. Essas competições internacionais adicionais para Juniores irão incentivar ainda mais os jovens a se tornarem mais participativos no tiro".

Os Regulamentos da ISSF para as Copas júnior exigirão dos organizadores selecionados a proporem júris internacionais. São necessários controles de doping limitados. Os organizadores podem cobrar uma taxa de inscrição reduzida, um máximo de 70 euros. Federações Nacionais que desejarem obter mais informações sobre as Copas Júnior da ISSF devem contatar o Gerente de Eventos ISSF na sede da ISSF.

Outras iniciativas da ISSF para o desenvolvimento dos Juniores, além das Copas Júnior é o total apoio da ISSF aos Jogos Olímpicos da Juventude, inclusive adicionando as Finais no Campeonato Mundial de Júniores de 2014 e incentivando as Federações Nacionais da ISSF para inscreverem juniores nas suas duas vagas fora de competição nas Copas Mundiais de 2014. Pela primeira vez, desde quando os eventos juniores foram adicionados ao programa do Campeonato do Mundo da ISSF em 1994, os eventos juniores nas disciplinas olímpicas em Granada irão incluir Finais.

"Esperamos que estas novas iniciativas de desenvolvimento da juventude e, especialmente, a primeira Copa Junior ISSF de 2014 em Suhl tenha o total apoio das nossas federações membros. Nós estamos confiantes de que um programa júnior ISSF mais vigoroso nos transforme numa ISSF mais forte", concluiu o presidente da ISSF, Vázquez Raña.

Traduzido e Postado por Thom Erik Syrdahl

Fonte – artigo publicado no Site da ISSF - Top News - em 19 – 12- 2013

Fonte – artigo publicado no Site da ISSF - Top News - em 19 – 12- 2013


The International Shooting Sport Federation announces the inauguration of ISSF Junior Cups, a new Championship series featuring competitions for junior athletes in Olympic and Youth Olympic Games events.
The ISSF Executive Committee recently approved the establishment of a new ISSF Junior Cup Championship series. The official announcement of the new series and the selection of the first ISSF national federation to host a Junior Cup came today from ISSF President Olegario Vázquez Raña and Secretary General Franz Schreiber.

“ISSF Junior Cups are a vital part of a major new ISSF initiative to more actively promote junior shooting on a worldwide basis,” President Vázquez Raña said.  “Encouraging more youth in more countries to participate in our sport by giving them more opportunities to compete in high standard international competitions is a key to our future.”

Secretary General Schreiber reported, “the ISSF ultimately expects to sanction and supervise Junior Cups on each continent every year.  Junior Cup programs will include the 15 Olympic events plus the Youth Olympic Games Mixed Team events.  Programs may also include team events, other ISSF-recognized events or ISSF-recognized Sport for All events such as Target Sprint or Five-Shot Air Pistol.  Junior Cup competitions will be MQS competitions if conducted in the qualification timeline of the Youth Olympic Games or Olympic Games.  They are open to all junior competitors who are age 20 or younger during the competition year.”

“We are pleased to announce that the first ISSF Junior Cup will be organized in Suhl, Germany on 26 May to 1 June 2014,” the Secretary General continued. “Suhl’s annual Junior International Shooting Competition (IWK) is already a well-established junior competition that has been held for many years; in 2013 this competition hosted 550 junior athletes from 40 nations. The Suhl Shooting Center is a great venue with many spectators and media support and it will be newly equipped with electronic targets in 2014. The ISSF looks forward to cooperating with the German Shooting Federation to launch the new ISSF Junior Cup series there.”

The ISSF plans to expand the Junior Cup series by selecting additional organizers for 2015. ISSF Member Federations interested in hosting Junior Cups in 2015 or future years are encouraged to apply to ISSF Headquarters. The ISSF is seeking organizers with venues that have at least 60 10m, 60 50m and 40 25m rifle-pistol firing points, with electronic targets. Junior Cup shotgun bids should have at least three ranges.  “The ISSF wants Junior Cups to fulfill standards similar to those established for World Cups to guarantee the best possible competitions for junior athletes,” President Vazquez added.

The ISSF will appoint a Technical Delegate for each Junior Cup. Vice President Gary Anderson will be the Technical Delegate for first Junior Cup in Suhl.  He commented, “Junior Cups are indeed very important for the future of our sport.  These additional international junior competition opportunities will inspire even more youths to become active in shooting.”

ISSF regulations for Junior Cups require selected organizers to propose international juries. Limited doping controls are required. Organizers may charge a reduced entry fee of a maximum of EUR 70.  National Federations that want more information about ISSF Junior Cups should contact the ISSF Event Manager at ISSF Headquarters.

Other ISSF Junior development initiatives, in addition to Junior Cups and full ISSF support for the Youth Olympic Games, include adding Finals for 2014 World Championship junior events and encouraging ISSF National Federations to enter juniors in their two out-of-competition entry places in 2014 World Cups. For the first time since junior events were added to the ISSF World Championship program in 1994, junior events in the Olympic disciplines in Granada will include Finals.

“We hope these new youth development initiatives and especially the first 2014 ISSF Junior Cup in Suhl will have the full support of our member federations. We are confident that a stronger ISSF junior program will bring all of us a stronger ISSF,” ISSF President Vázquez Raña concluded.

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Source ISSF Website -  Top News - http://www.issf-sports.org/news.ashx?newsid=1986

terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013


These is the second part of the fine tuning changes of the rules. Just to remember, all changes are writen in green letters.             Equipment Control Procedures

a) The Organizing Committee must inform team officials and athletes where and when they may have their equipment inspected prior to or during the competitions

b) The Equipment Control Section must be open to provide voluntary inspections for athletes’ equipment, starting with the Official Training day and continuing through the last day of Rifle-Pistol-Running Target competition;
c) ISSF calibration test equipment must be used to check testing instruments before each day of testing and when a disqualification is considered during post-competition testing;

d) Athletes are encouraged to bring any items of equipment to the Equipment Control Section for checking if they are not certain if they will pass a post-competition check.

e) The Equipment Control Section must ensure that all Rifle shooting jackets and shooting trousers are identified with a seal bearing a unique serial number that is registered to the athlete. The seal must be designed so that it cannot be removed without breaking the seal. Seals previously issued for one-time-only clothing inspections (2013 and prior) fulfill this requirement. Jackets and trousers with no seal must be checked for compliance with ISSF Rules and have seals affixed to them that are registered for the athlete. The Equipment Control and Rifle Juries will use the jacket and trouser seals to conduct random checks for compliance with

f) The Equipment Control Section must keep a register of, the guns, shooting jacket and trousers that they check, with the name of the athlete, the make (manufacturer), serial number and caliber of each gun checked on an Equipment Control Card;

Note- The former rules a); h); k); l; m; n; have been deleted.

 6.7.9               Post-Competition Testing             Post-competition checks must be conducted after Elimination and
Qualification Round competitions and during the reporting time before Finals. Post-competition checks for 10m and 50m rifle and pistol events must check a minimum of five (5) athletes, including random finalists, random and target testing selections. Post-competition controls for 25m pistol events must check a minimum of one athlete per relay per stage. Post-competition checks for Running Target events must control a minimum of three (3) athletes per event. The Equipment Control Jury is responsible for supervising the conduct of all post-competition checks. Rifle post-competition checks must include shooting clothing, underclothing, taping and rifles (trigger  weighing when applicable). Pistol post-competition checks must  include shoes, taping, trigger weighing, pistol dimensions and grips (8.12). ammunition velocity checks and the weighing of bullets where applicable. Running Target. Post-Competition Checks must include Rifle weights, telescope power (10m) and Marker Tapes. Judges of the same gender as the athletes must be available for clothing and taping checks.             If an athlete fails a post-competition check, the Chairman of the Equipment Control Jury or one Jury Member designated by the Chairman of the Equipment Control Jury must confirm that the test was performed correctly and that the athlete is disqualified. The confirmation procedure must include using ISSF calibration testing equipment to confirm that the testing instruments are measuring accurately. (new)    Appeals against a post-competition test disqualification may be submitted to the Jury of Appeal. The Jury of Appeal must decide if the test was performed correctly, but it may not repeat the test.

6.8.6   (new)                During training and competitions, Jury Members are responsible for checking athletes clothing and equipment for compliance with ISSF Sponsorship/Advertising Rules (4.4-4.7,;

                        Jumping rule 6.11.6 until I receive a clarification about the rule.

6.12.8 (new)    Physical Abuse of a Competition Official or Athlete
An athlete or team official who makes physical contact with a Jury Member, Referee, Range Officer, other competition official or another athlete by grasping, pushing, shoving, striking or similar means may be excluded from further participation in a Championship. Any such act of physical abuse must be reported to the Chairman of the Jury responsible for supervising that area of activity. One or more witnesses or physical evidence must confirm the act of alleged abuse. The Jury must then decide whether the athlete or team official may be excluded from that Championship. A decision to exclude may be appealed to the Jury of Appeal (6.16.7). If the Jury or Jury of Appeal concludes that the act of abuse was of such a serious nature that further sanctions are warranted, they may, in addition to excluding the athlete or team official from the current championship also refer the case to the ISSF Ethics Committee (, Annex “CE”) for further
Consideration           Start Positions and Bib Numbers. Starting positions in Finals are assigned according to a random draw that must be done automatically by the computer when the Finals Start List is released. 10m and 50m firing points must be labeled A-B-C-D-EF- G-H. The  reserve targets must be labeled R1 and R2. Targets for 25m Pistol Women Finals must be labeled A-B-C-D-E/F-G-H-I-J.         Finals Rules and Procedures.
e) In Finals, dry firing is permitted only during a Preparation and Sighting Time, Changeover and Sighting Times or  a Preparation Period, except that dry firing during 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Finals is permitted in accordance with 6.17.4. Dry firing at any other time must be penalized with a one (1) point deduction in 10m and 50m Finals and a one (1) hit deduction in 25m Pistol Finals.         Presentation of Medalists. After the CRO declares “RESULTS ARE FINAL,” the Announcer must immediately recognize the medal winners by announcing:


16:00 min before
The CRO will call finalists to the firing line sixteen (16) minutes before the start time by commanding “ATHLETES TO THE LINE.”
After two (2) min., the CRO will start a combined Preparation and Sighting Time by commanding “EIGHT MINUTES PREPARATION AND SIGHTING TIME…START.” During this time, finalists may fire unlimited sighting shots.
At 30 sec. before the end of the Preparation and Sighting Time,
the CRO will command “30 SECONDS.”
After eight (8) minutes, the CRO will command “STOP…UNLOAD.”
No score announcements are made during sighting shots. After the commands STOP…UNLOAD, Finalists must unload their rifles and insert safety flags for the presentation. A Range Officer must verify that gun actions are open with safety flags inserted. Athletes may remain in position during their presentations, but they must lower their rifles from their shoulders and are expected to turn their heads and faces towards spectators and the TV camera used to show the presentations. All finalists’ rifles must remain down, out of their shoulders, until the presentation of all  Finalists is finished.
5:30 min. Before
After finalists’ guns are checked, the Announcer will introduce the finalists, CRO and Jury Member-in-Charge according to Rule
Immediately after the presentation, the CRO will command “TAKE YOUR POSITIONS.”
The targets and scoreboard must be cleared for MATCH shots.
After 60 sec., the CRO will begin commands for the first MATCH series.

6.17.3              FINALS – 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS MEN AND WOMEN
13:00 min. before
The CRO will call finalists to the firing line thirteen (13) minutes before the Start Time by commanding “ATHLETES TO THE LINE.” After being called to the line, finalists may handle their rifles, get into the kneeling position and do holding or aiming exercises, but they may not remove safety flags or dry fire.
After two (2) min., the CRO will start a combined Preparation and Sighting Time by commanding “FIVE MINUTES PREPARATION AND SIGHTING TIME…START.” After this command, finalists may remove safety flags, dry fire and fire nlimited sighting shots.
At 30 sec. before the end of the Preparation and Sighting Time, the CRO will command “30 SECONDS.”
After five (5) min., the CRO will command“STOP…UNLOAD.”
No score announcements are made during Sighting shots. After the command STOP…UNLOAD, finalists must unload their rifles and insert safety flags for the presentation of the finalists. A Range Officer must verify that rifle actions are open with safety flags inserted. Athletes may remain in position during 3-Position Finals presentations, but they must lower their rifles from their shoulders and are expected to turn their heads and faces towards spectators and the TV camera used to show the presentations.
5:30 min. before
After finalists’ rifles are checked, the Announcer will present the finalists, CRO and Jury Member-in-Charge according to Rule All finalists’ rifles must remain down, out of their shoulders, until the presentation of all Finalists is finished.
FIRING 3 X 5-shot series Time limit: 200 sec.
for each series
Immediately after the presentation, the CRO will command “TAKE YOUR POSITIONS,” pause 60 seconds and then command “FOR THE FIRST COMPETITION SERIES…LOAD.” After five (5) sec., the CRO will command “START.”
Finalists have 200 sec. to fire each five (5) shot MATCH series in kneeling.
At 200 sec. or after all finalists have fired five (5) shots, theCRO will command “STOP.”

´´´´´No more changes in f

6.17.4              FINALS – 25m RAPID FIRE PISTOL MEN
6.17.5              FINALS – 25m PISTOL WOMEN

No changes were made in these two Finals Rules

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Sources - First and second edition of the Rules and Regulations book