68th ISSF General Assembly · Munich, GER
The ISSF Administrative Council, the Chairman of the Technical Committee, the Chairmen of the Sections Committees, the Auditors and the Honorary Members were elected today, under the guidance of the new ISSF President Vladimir Lisin.
Day-2 of the ISSF General Assembly in Munich was opened by the newly elected ISSF President Vladimir Lisin (RUS), who welcomed the delegates of over 130 member federations on his first day in office.
Yesterday, 30 November, Mr. Lisin became the 7th President in the 111-year history of the federation, as he won the votes of the Assembly. He succeeded to Mexico’s Olegario Vázquez Raña, who was elected honorary president as he stepped back after leading the body for 38 years.
Alexander Ratner (RUS) joined him at the lead of the federation as Secretary General position, taking over the seat held by retiring Franz Schreiber of Germany. President Lisin and Secretary General Ratner worked together (in the same positions) in the European Shooting Confederation since 2013, proving to be a winning team.
Day-2 of the ISSF General Assembly saw the conduction of several votes, and various decisions were taken by the delegates.
The new ISSF Administrative Council
This morning, delegates of more than 130 member federations elected the 15 new Administrative Council members (in alphabetical order):
- Christina AHLSTEDT (SWE)
- Alexandros DIMAKAKOS (GRE)
- Catherine FETTELL (AUS)
- LEE Dal-gon (KOR)
- LIANG Chun (CHN)
- György NAGY (HUN)
- Hugues SENGER (FRA)
- Gerardo TROTTA (VEN)
- Michael VAZ (SGP)
- Hans-Heinrich VON SCHÖNFELS (GER)
Chairmen of the ISSF Committees
The General Assembly also re-elected Mr. Jörg BROKAMP (GER) as the Chairman of the ISSF Technical Committee, Mr. Böck SIEGFRIED (AUT) and Mr. Alexandros DIMAKAKOS (GRE) as the new ISSF Auditors, and the Chairmen of the Section Committees:
- ISSF Rifle Committee: David GOODFELLOW (GBR)
- ISSF Pistol Committee: Susan ABBOTT (USA)
- ISSF Shotgun Committee: Demetris LORDOS (CYP)
- ISSF Running Target Committee: Claes JOHANSSON (SWE)
- ISSF Judges Committee: Peter UNDERHILL (GBR)
- ISSF Statutes and Eligibility Committee: Biserka VRBEK (CRO)
- ISSF Medical Committee: Dr. James LALLY (USA)
The General Assembly also elected Mr. Derek IVY (GBR) as an Honorary Member by unanimous decision. Ivy served as a member of the Pistol Committee from 1984 to 1996 and as a Member of the ISSF Administrative Council from 2006 to 2018, and chaired the ISSF Judges Committee from 1998 to 2006.
The elected officers join the new leadership team of the ISSF, along with President Lisin, Secretary General Ratner, and Vice-Presidents Kevin Kilty (IRL), Raninder Singh (IND), Robert Mitchell (USA) and Wang Yifu (CHN).
2019 ISSF Shotgun World Championship
Delegates selected the host of the 2019 ISSF Shotgun World Championship, after hearing the presentation of Italy, Cyprus and Spain. The bid of Lonato (Italy) won the votes of the Assembly, proposing a championship to be held at the well-known Trap Concaverde shooting club on the shores of the Garda Lake, in north Italy. The dates of the Championship will be decided - and communicated on this website - later on.
ISSF Competitions
The General Assembly decided to postpone the review of the ISSF Competitions Calendar (and the world championship scheduling) for the Olympic cycle 2021-2024 to a possible ISSF Extraordinary General Assembly to be held in 2019.
Concerning the current Olympic cycle (2016-2020), and upon a proposal of the German Shooting Federation, the planned 2020 Junior World Cup to be hosted in Suhl (GER) was upgraded to an ISSF Junior Wolrd Championship.
The 2019 ISSF Junior World Cup planned to be held in Lima (PER) was canceled.
Tokyo 2020 report
The General Assembly received an update on the preparation for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games by Mr. Peter Underhill. Tokyo 2020 Shooting sport events will be held at the Asaka shooting venue, located 23 Km from the Olympic Village, some 50 minutes drive. This will be a temporary venue set in a green area at some 4km from the town of Asaka, studied for the maximum sustainability. The Shooting venue will provide a combined 10-meter / 50-meter range and a combined 25-meter / Finals Hall. Three combined Trap and Skeet layouts surrounded by a lead-recoil net will be constructed for the conduction of Shotgun events. The competitions will be conducted over 11 days, from 25 July to 3 of August 2020. The test event is planned to take place in April 2020.
Tomorrow: the first meeting of the Administrative Council
Tomorrow, 2 December, a new era for the ISSF will officially start, as President Lisin leads his first ISSF Administrative Council, here at the Hilton Park Hotel in Munich, Germany. The Council will be asked to vote for the members of the Section Committees and to form the Executive Committee.
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