Juiz Internacional de Tiro Esportivo, completando agora em janeiro, 40 anos de atividade.

quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2016

Seleção Brasileira de tiro esportivo fecha Copa do Mundo de Fort Benning (EUA) com mais duas medalhas

Por 30/06/2016


A Seleção Brasileira de tiro esportivo faturou mais duas medalhas no último dia de disputas da Copa do Mundo de Fort Benning, nos Estados Unidos. Nesta quarta-feira, 29, Geraldo Von Rosenthal levou mais uma medalha na competição – o bronze, e Alexandre Galgani também medalhou na terceira posição, marcando novamente sua presença no pódio.
Geraldo chegou à sua terceira medalha na prova P4 (Pistola livre 50m-Misto-SH1). Marcando 539 pontos na final. Ele levou o bronze e ainda quebrou seu próprio recorde brasileiro que era de 536. Nos dias anteriores de competição, o gaúcho já havia conquistado a prata na P3 (Pistola Sport 25m-Misto-SH1) e na P1 (Pistola de ar 10m-Masculino-SH1).
Na disputa da R5 (Carabina de ar 10m deitado-Misto-SH2), foi a vez de Alexandre mostrar a que veio no torneio. Confirmando sua excelente fase, o atirador obteve sua segunda medalha de bronze. A primeira foi conquistada na R4 (Carabina de ar 10m em pé-misto-SH2).
Débora Campos e Carlos Garletti também entraram em ação na quarta-feira. A primeira, que levou o ouro na P2 (Pistola de ar 10m-Feminino-SH1) no último domingo, 26, ficou na quinta colocação na P4 (Pistola livre 50m-Misto-SH1). Já Garletti assegurou o quarto lugar na R1 (Carabina de ar 10m em pé-Masculino-SH1).
O Brasil fechou esta etapa da Copa do Mundo com seis pódios – um ouro, duas pratas e três bronzes. O coordenador-técnico da modalidade, Fernando Cardoso, mostrou-se otimista com os resultados da seleção nos Estados Unidos. “Tudo isso mostra a evolução clara do tiro esportivo. Nossa meta são as Paralimpíadas e esperamos trazer mais alegrias com esses atletas”, enfatizou Cardoso.
A equipe verde e amarela foi representada na competição pelos atletas que já estão garantidos nos Jogos Paralímpicos Rio 2016 – Alexandre Galgani, Carlos Garletti, Débora Campos e Geraldo Von Rosenthal. Na comissão técnica estiveram presentes, além de Fernando, o técnico James Lowry, o médico Hésojy Grey e o loader Edson Kléber Guimar
Postado por Thom Erik Syrdahl
Fonte - http://www.cpb.org.br/

ISSF Administrative Council: new ISSF Rules and Regulations approved


ISSF Administrative Council Meeting · Moscow, RUS
The new rules do not include proposals for changes

 in the Olympic Program. The Council also supported the new ISSF Constitution draft which will be presented to the ISSF General Assembly delegates on the 2nd of July.

The ISSF Administrative Council met at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Moscow (RUS) – in its full capacity, with 35 participants – for the first of two meetings to be held today, June 30.

The ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña and the ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber welcomed the Committee Members.

“I would like to welcome you here in Moscow, and to thank to the Committees and their Chairman for their hard work and support in preparations of these meetings.” The ISSF President said.

The new ISSF Rules and Regulations were unanimously approved by the Council at the first vote.

The ISSF Vice-President Gary Anderson spoke about the changes, remarking that “there are no proposals for Games Program changes in these rules.” The new ISSF Rules and Regulation indeed include some changes in the finals formats to be adopted in 2017, and they address some sport presentation issues such as music during the finals. The new rules will be published on the ISSF website as soon as possible, after the last fine-tunings.

The ISSF Administrative Council also voted by majority to support the new ISSF Constitution draft which will be presented to the ISSF General Assembly’s delegates and voted on the 2nd of July.

The Administrative Council received the reports of the ISSF Committees: Technical Committee (Chairmen: Joerg Brokamp), Athletes Committee (Abhinav Bindra), Judges Committee (Peter Underhill), Rifle Committee (Tomislav Sepec), Running Target Committee (Pekka Kussisto), Shotgun Committee (Demetris F. Lordos), Statues and Eligibility Committee (Antonio Fernandez Arena), Medical Committee (James M. Lally), Coaches Advisory Committee (Kevin Kilty), and Ad-Hoc Electronic Scoring Target Testing Committee (Alexandros Dimakakos).

The Council also listened to the reports of the Continental Confederations, delivered by Hazem Hosny Ahmed (President of the African Shooting Federation), Carlos Silva Monterroso (President of the Shooting Confederation of the Americas), Ali Mohammed Al Kuwari (Nominee of the Asian Shooting Confederation), Alexander Ratner (Nominee of the European Shooting Confederation), and Ewen Pirie (Nominee of the Oceania Shooting Federation).

The ISSF Executive Committee member Kevin Kilty reported on the activities of the ISSF Training Academy for 2015 and 2016, highlighting that “the success of the Academy is growing every year: nowadays, 1293 students have passed through our courses. We will have to run additional programs in the next years, due to the significant demand.”

The ISSF Vice-President Gary Anderson spoke about the ISSF Media and TV program, remarking that this “is one of the most important area of emphasis within the work of the International Shooting Sport Federation.” The complete ISSF Media and TV report will be delivered in front of the ISSF General Assembly, tomorrow.

The ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber informed then the Council on the status of the relationship between the ISSF and the IPC. “Cooperation between the two bodies is working really well in the lead-up to the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio De Janeiro. ISSF and FITAV (the Italian Clay Shooting Federation) have been working together to support IPC in standardizing the classification of clay shooting events”. The ISSF Vice-President and FITAV’s President Luciano Rossi commented: “we are working hard with the support of a scientific panel on these matters. We will host an international competition with shooters coming from 20 different nations, in Italy, this year. We wish we can have clay shooting disciplines included in the 2020 or in the 2024 Paralympics program.”

The Chairman of the ISSF Technical Committee, Mr. Brokamp, gave to the Council a first presentation on the preparations of the 2016 ISSF Running Target World Championship to be held in Suhl (GER) and on the first ISSF Rifle and Pistol Junior World Championship and on the first ISSF Target Sprint World Championship, due in 2017. A full report will be included in the presentations of tomorrow’s ISSF General Assembly.   

Posted by Thom ErikSyrdahl
Source ISSF Website

quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2016

Atletas Brasileiro do Tiro Paralimpico colecionando Medalhas, em Fort Benning (EUA)


Brasil conquista mais duas medalhas na Copa do Mundo de Tiro Esportivo, em Fort Benning (EUA)

A Seleção Brasileira de tiro esportivo fez, neste domingo, 26, mais uma boa apresentação na Copa do Mundo 
de Fort Benning, nos Estados Unidos. O Brasil faturou duas medalhas – um ouro com Debora Campos e 
uma prata com Geraldo Von Rosenthal. 

Debora subiu ao lugar mais alto do pódio na prova P2 (Pistola de ar 10m-Feminino-SH1). Marcando 372 
pontos, ela superou sua própria marca (368) e estabeleceu um novo recorde brasileiro.

Outro destaque brasileiro no dia foi Geraldo. O gaúcho, que já havia levado a prata na P3 (Pistola Sport 25m-Misto-SH1), dessa vez chegou ao segundo lugar na P1 (Pistola de ar 10m-Masculino-SH1),  totalizando dois pódios até agora na competição.
Carlos Garletti também representou a equipe verde e amarela no domingo. O atleta entrou em ação na R6 (Carabina.22 a 50m deitado-Misto-SH1) e ficou com o sexto lugar. Mais um atleta que integrou a Seleção brilhou em um dos dias anteriores da competição. Alexandre Galgani levou o bronze na R4 (Carabina de ar 10m em pé-misto-SH2).
No total, a equipe brasileira já conquistou quatro medalhas nos EUA – um ouro, duas pratas e um bronze. Representam o Brasil os atletas já garantidos nos Jogos Paralímpicos Rio 2016, sendo eles Alexandre Galgani, Carlos Garletti, Debora Campos e Geraldo Von Rosenthal. Esta etapa da Copa do Mundo vai até a próxima quarta-feira, 29, com os atletas tendo mais três provas pela frente. A competição serve como preparação dos atiradores para os Jogos.
Convênio – Ministério do Esporte logo_Governo_Federal_2016
A participação da Seleção Brasileira de tiro esportivo na Copa do Mundo de Fort Benning (EUA) é custeada por um convênio entre o Ministério do Esporte e o Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro.
Postado por Thom Erik Syrdahl
Fonte - Site Comite Paralímpico Brasileiro

Last ISSF World Cup stage closed in Baku. Medals and Records.


ISSF World Cup Rifle / Pistol / Shotgun · Baku, AZE
The last world cup stage of the year was officially closed in Baku today. Over 1700 athletes from 115 nations participated in this year’s series, which will be closed by the two ISSF World Cup Finals next October.
Today’s Skeet Men final won by Nikolay Teplyy of the Russian Federation closed the 2016 ISSF Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun World Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan.

640 shooters coming from 80 countries competed there in 15 Olympic shooting events in the Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun disciplines, starting from June 20.

Croatia finished atop of the medals standings of the event, with two gold medals won in the women’s and men’s 50m Rifle 3 Positions events, yesterday and today, as well as a bronze medal won in the 50m Rifle Prone event.

The People’s Republic of China followed in second place, with 1 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze, while the Republic of Korea collected the highest number of medals, 7, finishing in third place with 1 Gold and 6 Bronze.

One new junior final world record was marked by Shi Mengyao of the People’s Republic of China, who scored 208.3 points during the 10m Air Rifle Women event.

Baku’s was the last world cup stage of the Series
, which started in Bangkok (THA) last March, and passed through Nicosia (CYP), Rio de Janeiro (BRA), Munich (GER) and San Marino (SMR). Some 1728 athletes coming from 115 nations participated in the competitions, trying to gain points to access the Finals.

The ISSF World Cup Finals, which will assign the titles at the end of the season, will take place in Italy next October.

The ISSF Rifle and Pistol World Cup Final will be held in Bologna, from the 4th through the 10th, while the Shotgun World Cup Final will be hosted in Rome, from the 10th through the 16th.

There, the athletes who qualified through the world cup stages, will meet the defending champions as well as the Rio 2016 Olympic medalists.

Old / New
10m Air Rifle Women Junior
207.9 / 208.3
SHI Mengyao
Medals standings after 15 out of 15 events conducted
Medalists by Event after 15 out of 15 events conducted
50m Rifle 3 Positions Men28 JUN 2016GoldGORSA PetarCRO
SilverRAJPUT SanjeevIND
BronzeKIM HyeonjunKOR
50m Rifle Prone Men26 JUN 2016GoldGRIMMEL TorbenDEN
SilverPARR KennethGBR
BronzeGORSA PetarCRO
10m Air Rifle Men23 JUN 2016GoldNEPEJCHAL FilipCZE
SilverBAGHERI HosseinIRI
50m Pistol Men24 JUN 2016GoldJIN JongohKOR
SilverZHANG BowenCHN
BronzeLEE DaemyungKOR
25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men26 JUN 2016GoldREITZ ChristianGER
SilverZHANG FushengCHN
BronzeKANG MinsuKOR
10m Air Pistol Men25 JUN 2016GoldWU Felipe AlmeidaBRA
SilverRAI JituIND
BronzeJIN JongohKOR
Trap Men23 JUN 2016GoldBERTI Gian MarcoSMR
Double Trap Men25 JUN 2016GoldCHETCUTI WilliamMLT
BronzeMO JunjieCHN
Skeet Men28 JUN 2016GoldTEPLYY NikolayRUS
50m Rifle 3 Positions Women27 JUN 2016GoldPEJCIC SnjezanaCRO
SilverPEER FranziskaAUT
BronzeZHAO HuixinCHN
10m Air Rifle Women24 JUN 2016GoldDU BeiCHN
SilverSHI MengyaoCHN
BronzePARK Hae MiKOR
25m Pistol Women25 JUN 2016GoldBONEVA AntoanetaBUL
BronzeKIM JangmiKOR
10m Air Pistol Women23 JUN 2016GoldKOSTEVYCH OlenaUKR
Trap Women22 JUN 2016GoldMAKELA-NUMMELA SatuFIN
BronzeIEZZI AlessiaITA
Skeet Women27 JUN 2016GoldENGLISH AmberUSA

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Source - ISSF Website