Wednesday, November 6, 2013

This year's Spanish IPC European ShootingChampionship team
Image: Comité Paralímpico Español.
: So you competed at the IPC European Shooting Championships last month?
How did you do? Are you happy with the result?((es))
What do you think you need to improve to possibly compete at the 2016
Rio Paralympics and get a medal?((es))
: What are the biggest challenges you face on the road to the Rio Games?
Money? Good competition? The support network to travel and compete at the
highest level? Disability access at training venues?((es))
: What is the sport shooting culture like in Spain? Are people generally
supportive when you tell them what sport you compete in?((es))
: Do you think the classification system in shooting is fair? Do you
think it should be changed?((es))
: Would you recommend the sport to other people with disabilities? What
are reasons they should or should not take up the sport?((es))
This year's Spanish IPC European ShootingChampionship team
Image: Comité Paralímpico Español.
This week, Wikinews interviewed Spanish Paralympic sport shooter Paulo Fontán Torreiro. Late last month, Galician Fontán competed at the Alicante hosted 2013 IPCEuropean Shooting Championship, where he finished twenty-third in the R4 10-meter
air rifle standing event, and fortieth in the R5 10-meter air rifle prone

Paulo Fontán Torreiro: Yes, I
competed in the European Championship in Alicante. It was my first important
event and I felt very nervous, I wanted to perform well. Despite improving my
previous scores and achieving the minimum qualifying score for next year's
World Championship, I think I could have done better.((es))

Paulo Fontán: Basically I
would need to be able to train more constantly, obtain financial resources to
participate in international events, and have a bit of luck on the day of the

Paulo Fontán: All that are
included in the questions. In order to train effectively, you need adequate
facilities, and that's not the norm here. And to increase my level, I would
need to compete against good rivals, basically at international events. For that,
I require money and support, something that's not too available.((es))
Paulo Fontán: I first tried
other sports but finally focused on shooting because it fits my capabilities
better, I'm not bad at it, and there is a very agreeable atmosphere at the
Paulo Fontán: I must thank
the support Juan Saavedra has given me since I started, and which he keeps giving me when I
need it. I would like to mention Marciano Vázquez, the Spanish national team
coach, too for his advice and trust in me when he called me up for the European
Championship: I hope to return his trust with some future triumph.((es))

Paulo Fontán: I don't think
it's very well known, and there could be some rejection because of the
"pegar tiros" part, but that's out of ignorance since it is mainly a
mental sport, a sport requiring focus.((es))

Paulo Fontán: I've only
been doing this for three years and haven't had time to analyze it deeply so as
to have an opinion about it.((es))

Paulo Fontán: Yes, I would
recommend it, and I would because it is a sport which can be practiced by a
wide array of different disabilities, and for a long time. The biggest problem
is the high initial investment, the lack of adequate facilities or the cost of
travelling to competitions since there are not many places that allow people
with disabilities to participate.((es))
Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
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Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
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